India Media Watch 
Kashmiri Journalist’s Award Cancelled

JYOTI MALHOTRA / Awaaz South Asia | 20/10/2023

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The Maharashtra Institute of Technology-World Peace University (MIT-WPU) has decided to cancel the award it had announced it would give Kashmiri journalist Safina Nabi 24 hours before the ceremony in Pune was to take place. According to, “the award was cancelled by the university’s management in the face of right-wing political pressure.” The institute is refusing to say a word.

 Safina Nabi had been awarded for her story that appeared in Scroll, called ‘The half-widows of Kashmir,’ in the category of ‘Journalism that promoted empathy, understanding and inclusivity in Society’ which brought out the plight of Kashmiri widowed women who continue to be denied their property rights decades after the disappearance of their husbands. an email from him, on October 11.

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